A Combination High Performance Metal Prep:
- 100% Rust Remover
- 100% Rust Converter
- Rust Inhibitor (indoor rust protection for years)
- Pre-treatment Conversion Coating
- Weld Prep., Anti-Spatter
- De-scaler
Prepares all Types of Metal Surface
(for both ferrous & non-ferrous metal surfaces)
- Carbon Steel,
- Stainless Steel,
- Aluminum,
- Galvanized Steel
- Etc.
Value-Added Product
- Zero Product Cost after Use
- Eliminates Hazardous chemicals
- Eliminates Blasting for New Metals
- Eliminates Rusting Problem
- Eliminates Welding Failures
- Increases Weld strength
- Anti-spatter
- Eliminates Adhesion Failures
- Zero Re-Work
- No Waste
- Saves a lot of Labor, Time & Cost
In Dipping Process:
- Does not produce Sludge
- Zero Waste disposal
- No concentration adjustment
- No regular monitoring
- No down time
Does Not Cover Up Rust:
- It removes flash rust/white rust completely while providing a pre-treatment conversion coating.
- In case of mill scale, heavy rust and micro-rust, it chemically changes 100% rust/scale into a conversion coating.
- There is no washing involved and the coating stops the oxidation process for years when stored indoors.
- It is consumed completely (no product waste).
Completely Prepares the Metal Surface for:
- Priming
- Liquid Painting
- Electrostatic Painting
- Powder Coating
- Welding
Without sanding or blasting the new metal surface.
Applied by spraying, brushing, wiping or dipping.
Environmentally Safe Alternative
- Environmentally Safe
- Non-Toxic
- Non-Hazardous,
- Non-Flammable,
- Water-Based
Doesn’t fall under any EPA, OSHA or DOT regulation.
Ready to Use, No Mixing Required
- Removes Weld and Laser Scale
- Removes surface White Rust
- Cleans, Coats and Seals at the same time
- Eliminates all Hazardous & Toxic Chemicals
- Solvents
- Acids
- Phosphates
- Chromates
For New Metal Surfaces (in one step)
- Cleans Mill Oil and Cutting Fluid
- Cleans Dust and light Surface Rust
- Provides a Conductive Conversion Coating
- Eliminates quite a few Traditional Steps including Blasting
Reacts with the Metal Surface 100 Percent
- Without Producing Sludge
- Without Producing Waste
- Without Etching the Surface
